Find Auspicious Places & Transform Your Life!
In 2025 I am offering a limited amount of FREE DISCOVERY CONSULTATIONS.
1) Discovery consultation can help you figure out if locational astrology can be of benefit for your life and business,
or perhaps life coaching, counseling or therapy can be more beneficial at a current stage of life.
2) You can also see in what way collaborating with Tatiana (Life in Glow Wellness) can be beneficial and if we are a good fit for each other.
You can find more information below on this page about paid consultations.
Find Auspicious Places & Transform Your Life!
In winter 2024 I am offering a limited amount of FREE DISCOVERY CONSULTATIONS.
1) Discovery consultation can help you figure out if locational astrology can be of benefit for your life and business,
or perhaps life coaching, counseling or therapy can be more benefitial at a current stage of life.
2) You can also see in what way collaborating with Tatiana (Life in Glow Wellness) can be beneficial and if we are a good fit for each other.
Locational Astrology is a branch of astrology which studies how different geographical places (locations) influence people.
Often it is not as straight-forward and easy to guess at a glance, there are layers & layers.
Only an astrologer with a few years of training and a lot of practice in natal, locational and timing astrology can be able to “guess/ predict” how things might play out.
Through analyzing astrological influence of the places where you were born and where you’ve already lived, as well as places you are considering for moving / studying / work / project, I can help you choose a favorable place for your request.

Can you relate to any of these STRUGGLES?
Or other people have them (partner, friend, child, relative, colleague)?
You’ve lived in a place for over 1 year and some things just are off:
- Too many things are out of your control
- There is not enough luck, serendipity
- Situations (patterns) repeat over and over
- You don’t feel like you belong there
- Not enough good communication
- Life feels too stressful, difficult
Over 50% of people I consulted live in places which are quite challenging for them from an astrological perspective.
Can you predict how favorable a certain place would be for you intuitively or by logic?
The majority of people either live where they were born or where life “brought” them either through marriage, work or studies.
So they do not choose a place of living consciously between a few options of their preference. However nowadays there are more and more people who consciously choose a place for home, business, studying or traveling.
Would it be helpful to you if you knew in advance that a specific place you are considering is much more beneficial than your other options from an astrological perspective?
It will raise the chance of positive events happening there and a better life serendipity.
Over 50% of people I consulted live in places which are quite challenging for them from an astrological perspective.
Can you predict how favorable a certain place would be for you intuitively or by logic?
The majority of people either live where they were born or where life “brought” them either through marriage, work or studies.
So they do not choose a place of living consciously between a few options of their preference. However nowadays there are more and more people who consciously choose a place for home, business, studying or traveling.
Would it be helpful to you if you knew in advance that a specific place you are considering is much more beneficial than your other options from an astrological perspective?
It will raise the chance of positive events happening there and a better life serendipity.

Can you relate to any of these STRUGGLES?
Or maybe you notice that in life of other people (partner, friend, child, relative, colleague)?
- Too many things are out of your control
- There is not enough luck, serendipity
- Situations (patterns) repeat over and over
- You don’t feel like you belong there
- Not enough good communication
- Life feels too stressful, difficult
Can you relate to any of these STRUGGLES?
Or maybe you notice that in life of other people (partner, friend, child, relative, colleague)?
- Too many things are out of your control
- There is not enough luck, serendipity
- Situations (patterns) repeat over and over
- You don’t feel like you belong there
- Not enough good communication
- Life feels too stressful, difficult

Find a favorable place for your HOME (relocate)

Understand astrological influences of your current place of living

Find auspicious places for a BUSINESS / collaboration / studying

Find auspicious places for a vacation, wedding trip or traveling

Digital Nomad lifestyle & slow traveling with a purpose

Find auspicious places for a transformational RETREAT
Locational Astrology is a branch of astrology which studies how different geographical places (locations) influence people. Where one person feels amazing, lucky, energized and inspired, it might NOT be the best place for another person. That’s why in a couple, family, project team or any other group influences on each person can vary quite significantly.
Decyphering astrological language is not easy, it requires many hours to understand different layers.
Only an astrologer with a few years of training and a lot of practice in natal, locational and timing astrology can be able to “guess/ predict” how things might play out. Each client case add to experience and research.
I currently use 1-6 techniques/ methods of locational astrology depending on how exact birth data is known (see FAQ as well).
BENEFITS of Locational Astrology:
- you can find a favorable place for living to improve quality of life, be happier, feel more fulfilled
- you can find a place which can be more peaceful, and/or more lucky
- you can choose a place for boosting a certain life sphere
- choose a “power place” for a vacation or retreat
- find an auspicious collaboration
- find a great place for studying or a business trip
- you can find a favorable place for investment into property
- understand deeper the energies of your current place of living, its accents, opportunities, challenges & remedies
- understand better why some things happened or did not happen when you lived at a certain place (retro research)
Locational Astrology is a branch of astrology which studies how different geographical places (locations) influence people. Where one person feels amazing, lucky, energized and inspired, it might NOT be the best place for another person. That’s why in a couple, family, project team or any other group influences on each person can vary quite significantly.
Decyphering astrological language is not easy, it requires many hours to understand different layers.
Only an astrologer with a few years of training and a lot of practice in natal, locational and timing astrology can be able to “guess/ predict” how things might play out. Each client case add to experience and research.
I currently use 1-6 techniques/ methods of locational astrology depending on how exact birth data is known (see FAQ as well).
Locational Astrology is a branch of astrology which studies how different geographical places (locations) influence people. Where one person feels amazing, lucky, energized and inspired, it might NOT be the best place for another person. That’s why in a couple, family, project team or any other group influences on each person can vary quite significantly.
Decyphering astrological language is not easy, it requires many hours to understand different layers.
Only an astrologer with a few years of training and a lot of practice in natal, locational and timing astrology can be able to “guess/ predict” how things might play out. Each client case add to experience and research.
I currently use 1-6 techniques/ methods of locational astrology depending on how exact birth data is known (see FAQ as well).
BENEFITS of Locational Astrology:
- you can find a favorable place for living to improve quality of life, be happier, feel more fulfilled
- you can find a place which can be more peaceful, and/or more lucky
- you can choose a place for boosting a certain life sphere
- choose a “power place” for a vacation or retreat
- find an auspicious collaboration
- find a great place for studying or a business trip
- you can find a favorable place for investment into property
- understand deeper the energies of your current place of living, its accents, opportunities, challenges & remedies
- understand better why some things happened or did not happen when you lived at a certain place (retro research)

Apart from astrology, it also depends on many other factors how good the actual experience for you could be at a certain place.
BENEFITS of Locational Astrology:
- you can find a favorable place for living to improve quality of life, be happier, feel more fulfilled
- you can find a place which can be more peaceful, and/or more lucky
- you can choose a place for boosting a certain life sphere
- choose a “power place” for a vacation or retreat
- find an auspicious collaboration
- find a great place for studying or a business trip
- you can find a favorable place for investment into property
- understand deeper the energies of your current place of living, its accents, opportunities, challenges & remedies
- understand better why some things happened or did not happen when you lived at a certain place (retro research)

Find a favorable place for your HOME
Through analyzing astrological influence of the places where you were born and where you’ve already lived, as well as places you are considering for moving, I can help you choose a favorable place for a new home or suggest auspicious places (if you are more flexible where to live).

Understand astrological influences of the city where you live (opportunities & challenges)
Through analyzing your natal chart and astrological influences of your current location, as well as events in that place, I can help you understand it’s opportunities and “themes”, suggest ways of mitigating challenges.

Digital Nomad lifestyle & slow traveling with a purpose
Apart from researching influence of your birthplace and a few places where you lived, I can help you choose 1 or a few places for fast or slow travelling (e.g. to boost a specific sphere of life). There is also a number of spots for taking part in my Locational Astrology research.

Find auspicious places for a vacation, wedding trip or traveling
I will analyze astrological influences in your birthplace, 2-3 places of where you lived and suggest 1 or more places for your request. Find you power places for the trip of your dreams! Increase the chance of enjoying this experience.

Find auspicious places for a BUSINESS / collaboration / studying
I will analyze your birthplace, 2-3 places of where you lived and suggest 1 or more places for your request. Find you power places and increase the chance of a good collaboration, successful business project or effective studying (we will discuss what you desire to experience).

Find auspicious places for a transformational RETREAT
I can help you analyze your birthplace, 2-3 places of where you lived, check timing influences and suggest 1 or more places for your retreat. Choosing a favorable place for a retreat can minimize possibility of stress factors and increase the chance of positive experience.
Tatiana Balashova
Professional Locational Astrologer
Western Astrologer, Numerologer
Certified Emotion-Image Therapist, Art Therapist
Certified Metaphorical Cards Counselor
Certified Life Coach with MACards
Crystal Healer, Reiki Level II Practitioner
Member of:
International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR)
Russian Professional Psychotherapy League (OPPL)
(affiliate with European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP))
Tatiana Balashova
Professional Locational Astrologer
Western Astrologer, Numerologer
Certified Emotion-Image Therapist, Art Therapist
Certified Metaphorical Cards Counselor
Certified Life Coach with MACards
Crystal Healer, Reiki Level II Practitioner
Member of:
International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR)
Russian Professional Psychotherapy League (OPPL)
(affiliate with European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP))
Tatiana Balashova
Western Astrologer, Numerologer
Certified Emotion-Image Therapist, Art Therapist
Certified Metaphorical Cards Counselor
Certified Life Coach with MACards
Crystal Healer, Reiki Level II Practitioner
Member of:
International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR)
Russian Professional Psychotherapy League (OPPL)
(affiliate with European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP))
My Approach
I practice holistic integrative approach in natal and locational astrology, combining my knowledge in astrology with counselling and life coaching.
House systems I use are Placidus, Equal, Porphyry and occasionally l check whole signs charts as well.
If birth time is known exactly, I often work with 4-6 methods of locational astrology for each place.
Unique Framework
Being a Western astrology and a psychotherapist, counsellor and life coach helps me to understand your request better and suggest the best possible framework of collaboration that is beneficial for you, to assist you get closer to the desired result.
Holistic approach also allows to combine a few methods which can speed up the result quite significantly in some cases.
Discovery Consultation
1) You describe what you kind of help you want and what the desired result, outcome is.
2) I let you know what method would be the best fit (apart from astrology I practice psychological methods – counselling, psychotherapy, life coaching)
3) If we both feel that collaboration is a good fit, we discuss the rates and timeline of the consultations(s).
My Approach
I practice holistic integrative approach in natal and locational astrology, combining my knowledge in astrology with counselling and life coaching.
Depending on how exact birthtime is known, I use 1-6 methods of locational astrology for each place, each person.
Unique Framework
Being a Western astrology and a psychotherapist, counsellor and life coach helps me to understand your request better and suggest the best possible framework of collaboration that is beneficial for you, to assist you get closer to the desired result faster.
Discovery Consultation
1) You describe what you kind of help you want and what the desired result, outcome is.
2) I let you know what method would be the best fit
3) If we both feel that collaboration is a good fit, we discuss the rates and timeline of the consultations(s).
The typical process & timeline of the collaboration (locational astrology):
Step 1:
You send a description of questions, what you are looking for (desired outcome). Information can be submitted.
- in a PM on whatsapp/ telegram/ skype /
- by email
- through a form (see the link to the google form)
- Where you live, where you’d like to live or what places you are choosing from (whether moving within the same country or immigrating)
- Any related struggles, challenges, doubts etc.
- Timeline when you need the answer and when you’d like to move OR whether you need help on choosing an auspicious day/time/ month for moving.
- Whether you also would like to have life coaching /counseling or therapy sessions
Step 2:
Once I get your questions, might ask a few additional questions to clarify the request and information needed.
Step 3:
You fill out a special form in a Word document (computer is required), in case you do not have access to Word or computer it can be done in Google Docs or in some cases in an email (to be discussed)
Step 4:
After I understand the required time for preparation and research, we schedule a zoom consultation in a convenient time.
Step 5:
You can ask 1-2 follow up questions to clarify what we took at the consultation.
Apart from astrology, it also depends on many other factors how good the actual experience for you could be at a certain place.
The typical process & timeline of the collaboration (locational astrology):
Step 1:
You send a description of questions, what you are looking for (desired outcome). Information can be submitted.
- in a PM on whatsapp/ telegram/ skype /
- by email
- through a form (see the link to the google form)
- Where you live, where you’d like to live or what places you are choosing from (whether moving within the same country or immigrating)
- Any related struggles, challenges, doubts etc.
- Timeline when you need the answer and when you’d like to move OR whether you need help on choosing an auspicious day/time/ month for moving.
- Whether you also would like to have life coaching /counseling or therapy sessions
Step 2:
Once I get your questions, might ask a few additional questions to clarify the request and information needed.
Step 3:
You fill out a special form in a Word document (computer is required), in case you do not have access to Word or computer it can be done in Google Docs or in some cases in an email (to be discussed)
Step 4:
After I understand the required time for preparation and research, we schedule a zoom consultation in a convenient time.
Step 5:
You can ask 1-2 follow up questions to clarify what we took at the consultation.
The typical process & timeline of the collaboration (locational astrology):
Step 1:
You send a description of questions, what you are looking for (desired outcome). Information can be submitted.
- in a PM on whatsapp/ telegram/ skype /
- by email
- through a form (see the link to the google form)
- Where you live, where you’d like to live or what places you are choosing from (whether moving within the same country or immigrating)
- Any related struggles, challenges, doubts etc.
- Timeline when you need the answer and when you’d like to move OR whether you need help on choosing an auspicious day/time/ month for moving.
- Whether you also would like to have life coaching /counseling or therapy sessions
Step 2:
Once I get your questions, might ask a few additional questions to clarify the request and information needed.
Step 3:
You fill out a special form in a Word document (computer is required), in case you do not have access to Word or computer it can be done in Google Docs or in some cases in an email (to be discussed)
Step 4:
After I understand the required time for preparation and research, we schedule a zoom consultation in a convenient time.
Step 5:
You can ask 1-2 follow up questions to clarify what we took at the consultation.
I currently use 1-6 techniques/ methods of locational astrology depending on how exact birth data is known (see FAQ as well).
Of course, apart from astrology, it also depends on many other factors how good the actual experience for you could be at a certain place.
Rates for Consultations
Locational astrology sessions require researching the natal chart(s), timing charts, locational influences (10-50+ charts and maps). So consultations rates vary depending on the amount of preparation required.
Factors influencing the rate for consultations:
* Whether you are a returning client (e.g. took a natal consultation within 3 months)
* Amount of places you would like to compare
* Amount of time needed for the preparation & the consultation
* How exactly birth time is known (defines how many methods I can use 1-6, the more the better, I do what I can)
* How many people are in the family if the whole family is moving
* Urgency of service (timeline)
Average fee is USD$155-350+ for returning clients, $295+ for new clients.
You can book a discovery consultation to discuss the collaboration and your situation.
Special offer – RESEARCH consultations
bookings before March 10th, 2025
1) you agree to answer some questions related to research, places you’ve lived and experiences there (e.g. in a certain year or/and place (retro research)), as well as you agree your birthdata and some events in biography be mentioned in research and teaching materials (if they fit the topic as an example). Names and birth data on the charts can be kept as they are, changed or charts shared anonymously (mention your preference).
2) sliding scale, consultations on a lower rate for people who cannot afford the full rate, e.g. if the price is USD $95+ (minimum payment is 95, however you can contribute more)
3) as usual for locational astrology consultations at least 2 out of places have to be where you already lived or at least traveled to (it is essential for checking the dynamics how certain planetary influences can play out in real life of the person)
4) price includes up to 5-50 hours of preparation depending on the consulation + time of the consultation + chat discussion
5) feedback of the client is essential (the goal of the research is to see how real life events and the “feel” of the places correspond to the astrological patterns and “themes” which we discussed. It usually depends on many factors.)
Consultations for 1 person:
Natal consultation + locational influences
(1 person, 1 place, 60 min) usd $95
Natal consultation + Locational influences
(up to 3 places / 1 person / 60 min) usd $185
(usually 2 places where the client already lived are among 3 places)
Natal consultation + Locational influences + transits
(up to 5 places / 1 person / 90 min) usd $255 / extra places + USD$35 /place)
Consultations for a familiy (2 people)
(Additional family members, extra research & consultation time, additional places – rates TBD)
Natal consultation + Locational influences
up to 3 places / 2 people (a couple or parent + child / 60 min)
usd $355 (+)
Natal consultation + Locational influences + transits
(up to 10 places / 2 people / 90 min) usd $455 (+)
(Price without research conditions TBD – contact for a quote)
Consultations are in Zoom or in a recording (video / audio + charts)
(see FAQ for more details and rates)
Rates for Consultations
Locational astrology sessions require researching the natal chart(s), timing charts, locational influences (10-50+ charts and maps). So consultations vary in amount of preparation required.
Factors influencing the rate for consultations:
* Whether you are a returning client (e.g. took a natal consultation within 3 months)
* Amount of places you would like to compare
* How exactly birth time is known (defines how many methods I can use 1-6, the more the better, I do what I can)
* How many people are in the family if the whole family is moving
* Urgency of service (timeline)
Average fee is USD$155-350+ for returning clients, $295+ for new clients.
You can book a discovery consultation to discuss the collaboration and your situation.
Special offer – RESEARCH consultations
bookings before March 10th, 2025
1) you agree to answer some questions related to research, places you’ve lived and experiences there (e.g. in a certain year or/and place (retro research)), as well as you agree your birthdata and some events in biography be mentioned in research and teaching materials (if they fit the topic as an example). Names and birthdata on the charts can be kept as they are, changed or charts shared anonymously (mention your preference).
2) sliding scale, consultations on a lower rate for people who cannot afford the full rate, e.g. if the price is USD $95+ (minimum payment is 95, however you can contribute more)
3) as usual for locational astrology consultations at least 2 out of places have to be where you already lived or at least traveled to (it is essential for checking the dynamics how certain planetary influences can play out in real life of the person)
4) price includes up to 5-50 hours of preparation depending on the consulation + time of the consultation + chat discussion
5) feedback of the client is essential (the goal of the research is to see how real life events and the “feel” of the places correspond to the astrological patterns and “themes” which we discussed. It usually depends on many factors.)
Consultations for 1 person:
Natal consultation + locational influences
(1 person, 1 place, 60 min) usd $95
Natal consultation + Locational influences
(up to 3 places / 1 person / 60 min) usd $185
(usually 2 places where the client already lived are among 3 places)
Natal consultation + Locational influences + transits
(up to 5 places / 1 person / 90 min) usd $255 / extra places + USD$35 /place)
Consultations for a familiy (2 people)
(Additional family members, extra research & consultation time, additional places – rates TBD)
Natal consultation + Locational influences
up to 3 places / 2 people (a couple or parent + child / 60 min)
usd $355 (+)
Natal consultation + Locational influences + transits
(up to 10 places / 2 people / 90 min)
usd $455 (+)
(Price without research conditions TBD – contact for a quote)
Consultations are in Zoom or in a recording (video / audio + charts). With some clients it can be more convenient to consult in a few chat discussions with guiding questions and clarification etc. So the format is approximate and differs case by case.
(feel free to check FAQ for more details)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: I don't know my birthtime, is it ok?
It is ok, we can work with what is known.
Mention your birthtime as exactly as it is known and the source of time.
Most of the methods of locational astrology and timing (diagnostics and forecasting) techniques highly depend on how exact birthtime is known.
If birthtime is not known exactly I use 1 method which can be used for insights even without known exact birthtime (or with an approximate one).
To find out more exact birthtime, try to do to the following:
1) Ask your parents or whoever was raising you up.
2) Check with the hospital where you were born. Some hospitals keep birth records for up to 20-35 years.
Keep in mind that moms often thange their opinion within 2 hours (from my consulting experience :). Ask them a few times on different days to make sure it is consistent )).
You can also order a rectification consultation from a qualified astrologer prior to taking an astrology consultation with Tatiana. I can recommend you a few colleagues.
If you birth data is not known, e.g. your parents have 2 versions or you were adopted, in this case, unfortunately it is not possible to use locational astrology in a traditional way.
Q2: If I already chose a place for a wedding / wedding trip / retreat / vacation, would it help to know about its influences?
Great question! Generally speaking YES, if you are open to hearing things as an astrologer sees them.
* You can understand the potential of that place better
* If there can be some risky factors, complex influences, as an astrologer I can suggest to you a few ways to metigate them if you feel their influence in reality, or do something in advance to make sure you are better equipped to cope with that.
* For very difficult places, if you have time and opportunity to change the place, maybe you can still consider choosing a more favorable place (I can help you to find 1 or a few options).
* I recommend checking charts of you and your partner for a wedding trip or a vacation together, in some cases kids as well.
* For retreats – influences on 1-2 main organizers of the retreat.
However if you are sceptical to astrology (just curious) and prone to overthinking, it is up to you whether it is a good choice in this case.
Q3: How much a locational astrology consultation will cost?
Fee for the locational astrology consultation(s) depends on:
- Amount of people – 1 person / couple / family, usually I recommend checking influenced on each person with primary focus on the provider of the family
- The amount of places compared
- New or returning client – how much time is needed to understand your natal chart (e.g. if you took a locational astrology consultation within 1-3 months from natal, I offer a discount)
- How exactly birth time is known (if you have a birth certificate with time known within 1-3 minutes, more information can be researched with a few methods of locational astrology)
- Urgency of service
Essentially it also depends on the total amount of hours or work.
An average cost of consultation is USD varies from $250 to $550 depending on the factors above.
For a couple or family over 25-50 charts and maps are calculated and studied, so overall it also depends on the amount of hours required for the preparation.
You can choose to pay per hour. Currently I charge USD$35 per hour for preparation and USD $125/h for the online consultation time. A limited amount of research sessions are available on a lower rate (contact to inquire).
See “How it works” paragraph.
Feel free to book a discovery consultation.
Each clients is sent a questionnaire form to fill out.
Q4: What payment methods do you accept?
Here are the current payment methods that I accept:
1) e-transfer (Canada)
2) PayPal (wherever it is available, 3% should be added to cover the fees, please choose paying for the “service or goods” and include a brief message what the payment is for)
3) Cash in person (Canada, generally prefer etransfer)
4) Transfer to a Sberbank card / account (for Russian clients)
5) Wise, WU and other payment options TBD
I do not accept crypto currency and checks.
Q5: Do you provide a written report / reading?
Currently I do not provide readings in writing or pdf presentation, because they take me much more time to prepare. I mainly do zoom consultations + chat communication (some of which is in writing) and video recordings.
You will be provided a recording of the consultation and you are welcome to take notes during the meeting or when rewatching it.
Q7: Can you guarantee that I will be fine if moving to the recommended place?
Generally it is NOT possible to predict 100% what will happen to you in the future.
Experience in a new place depends on many factors including your free will and lifestyle, your decisions.
Locational astrology is a fairly young field and much more research is needed to collect more data and draw conclusions. However experience of me and my teachers and colleagues shows that certain astrological positions, factors tend to “trigger” certain events and emotional states. The key to being happy and balanced, fulfilled in a specific place often depends on what you do or not do, how you use the energy of planets (certain archetypal influences), decisions you make (whether concsiously or unconsciously).
Understanding your natal chart and its patterns, tendencies and hidden potential as well as locational and timing influences can help you be equipped to use the higher manifestation of planetary energies more often, thus possibly mitigating certain complex influences (if there are any).
Also I have to remind that even in places with “better” influences people can end up making poor choices and getting themselves in trouble one way or another whereas some people might live in “harder” places and still manage to open some “treasures” of even the more complex positions.
My experience working both with astrology, psychotherapy, counseling, life coaching shows that in some cases moving to a different (easier/better) geographical place I would choose as one of the first mitigating measures as it raises the chance of finding a better emotional balance, transforming your life in a significant way. Metaphorically speaking, you can try to stay in the “complex” place and “keep patching” some leaks on the boat, or you can choose another boat, or rebuild it fully.
Of course, if moving is not possible, mitigating still can ease up things to a certain extent. A holistic approach is important as well. That’s why I highly recommend combining astrology consultations with psychological methods (life coaching, counselling, psychotherapy).
Q6: Do you work with business astrology? How much it can cost?
Yes, I work with freelancers and entrepreneurs.
For bigger business companies, it depends on the type of question. Feel free to contact me to discuss. To anylize the business chart exact date, place and ideally time of incorporation is required (a few other “special moments” of the business can taken into account).
Rates depend on the type of consultation, required knowledge (complexity of work), total amount of hours or work, urgency, responsibililty level.
Disclaimer: business astrology is a very complex field, not as well researched yet as natal astrology. Keep in mind that astrologer is not a god and might make a mistake. Business depends usually on many people so lots of factors are influencing its success. However what we can do is to see how much your natal chart, locational and timing influences “fit” the current business and format of work. Perhaps with some metigations it is possible to minimize the stress factors and increase success of your business.
An average cost of consultation is USD varies greatly depending on different factors.
You can choose to pay per hour. Currently I charge USD$35 per hour for preparation and USD $195/h for the online consultation time for business questions.
A limited amount of research sessions are available on a special conditions in combination with life coaching and counseling – e.g. I am offering my services for a reduced fee or on a complimentary basis in exchange of a % fee from the profit of your business, that is I become in a way an investor in your business through the collaboration (contact to inquire). Only businesses which already have a positive net worth and profit are eligible for this offer.
If what you are looking for is not within my experience I might refer you to a colleague.
See “How it works” paragraph for booking a consultation.
Q8: How do I take part in your astrological research?
Thank you for asking! I am conducting research on a few subjects:
1) locational astrology
2) sleep patterns
3) dance research
4) synastry (compatibility in relationships)
5) horary astrology
6) astrology of the moment
If you would like to contribute to any of the studies, you can get 25-35% discount (depending on the type of consultation/ session).
Feel free to contact in which one you would like to take part in and I will give you information on the conditions and availability.
Q1: I don't know my birthtime, is it ok?
It is ok, we can work with what is known.
Mention your birthtime as exactly as it is known and the source of time.
Most of the methods of locational astrology and timing (diagnostics and forecasting) techniques highly depend on how exact birthtime is known.
If birthtime is not known exactly I use 1 method which can be used for insights even without known exact birthtime (or with an approximate one).
To find out more exact birthtime, try to do to the following:
1) Ask your parents or whoever was raising you up.
2) Check with the hospital where you were born. Some hospitals keep birth records for up to 20-35 years.
Keep in mind that moms often thange their opinion within 2 hours (from my consulting experience :). Ask them a few times on different days to make sure it is consistent )).
You can also order a rectification consultation from a qualified astrologer prior to taking an astrology consultation with Tatiana. I can recommend you a few colleagues.
If you birth data is not known, e.g. your parents have 2 versions or you were adopted, in this case, unfortunately it is not possible to use locational astrology in a traditional way.
Q2: If I already chose a place for a wedding / wedding trip / retreat / vacation, would it help to know about its influences?
Great question! Generally speaking YES, if you are open to hearing things as an astrologer sees them.
* You can understand the potential of that place better
* If there can be some risky factors, complex influences, as an astrologer I can suggest to you a few ways to metigate them if you feel their influence in reality, or do something in advance to make sure you are better equipped to cope with that.
* For very difficult places, if you have time and opportunity to change the place, maybe you can still consider choosing a more favorable place (I can help you to find 1 or a few options).
* I recommend checking charts of you and your partner for a wedding trip or a vacation together, in some cases kids as well.
* For retreats – influences on 1-2 main organizers of the retreat.
However if you are sceptical to astrology (just curious) and prone to overthinking, it is up to you whether it is a good choice in this case.
Q3: How much a locational astrology consultation will cost?
Fee for the locational astrology consultation(s) depends on:
- Amount of people – 1 person / couple / family, usually I recommend checking influenced on each person with primary focus on the provider of the family
- The amount of places compared
- New or returning client – how much time is needed to understand your natal chart (e.g. if you took a locational astrology consultation within 1-3 months from natal, I offer a discount)
- How exactly birth time is known (if you have a birth certificate with time known within 1-3 minutes, more information can be researched with a few methods of locational astrology)
- Urgency of service
Essentially it also depends on the total amount of hours or work.
An average cost of consultation is USD varies from $250 to $550 depending on the factors above.
For a couple or family over 25-50 charts and maps are calculated and studied, so overall it also depends on the amount of hours required for the preparation.
You can choose to pay per hour. Currently I charge USD$35 per hour for preparation and USD $125/h for the online consultation time. A limited amount of research sessions are available on a lower rate (contact to inquire).
See “How it works” paragraph.
Feel free to book a discovery consultation.
Each clients is sent a questionnaire form to fill out.
Q4: What payment methods do you accept?
Here are the current payment methods that I accept:
1) e-transfer (Canada)
2) PayPal (wherever it is available, 3% should be added to cover the fees, please choose paying for the “service or goods” and include a brief message what the payment is for)
3) Cash in person (Canada, generally prefer etransfer)
4) Transfer to a Sberbank card / account (for Russian clients)
5) Wise, WU and other payment options TBD
I do not accept crypto currency and checks.
Q5: Do you provide a written report / reading?
Currently I do not provide readings in writing or pdf presentation, because they take me much more time to prepare. I mainly do zoom consultations + chat communication (some of which is in writing) and video recordings.
You will be provided a recording of the consultation and you are welcome to take notes during the meeting or when rewatching it.
Q6: Can you guarantee that I will be fine if moving to the recommended place?
Generally it is NOT possible to predict 100% what will happen to you in the future.
Experience in a new place depends on many factors including your free will and lifestyle, your decisions.
Locational astrology is a fairly young field and much more research is needed to collect more data and draw conclusions. However experience of me and my teachers and colleagues shows that certain astrological positions, factors tend to “trigger” certain events and emotional states. The key to being happy and balanced, fulfilled in a specific place often depends on what you do or not do, how you use the energy of planets (certain archetypal influences), decisions you make (whether concsiously or unconsciously).
Understanding your natal chart and its patterns, tendencies and hidden potential as well as locational and timing influences can help you be equipped to use the higher manifestation of planetary energies more often, thus possibly mitigating certain complex influences (if there are any).
Also I have to remind that even in places with “better” influences people can end up making poor choices and getting themselves in trouble one way or another whereas some people might live in “harder” places and still manage to open some “treasures” of even the more complex positions.
My experience working both with astrology, psychotherapy, counseling, life coaching shows that in some cases moving to a different (easier/better) geographical place I would choose as one of the first mitigating measures as it raises the chance of finding a better emotional balance, transforming your life in a significant way. Metaphorically speaking, you can try to stay in the “complex” place and “keep patching” some leaks on the boat, or you can choose another boat, or rebuild it fully.
Of course, if moving is not possible, mitigating still can ease up things to a certain extent. A holistic approach is important as well. That’s why I highly recommend combining astrology consultations with psychological methods (life coaching, counselling, psychotherapy).
Q7: Do you work with business astrology? How much it can cost?
Yes, I work with freelancers and entrepreneurs.
For bigger business companies, it depends on the type of question. Feel free to contact me to discuss. To anylize the business chart exact date, place and ideally time of incorporation is required (a few other “special moments” of the business can taken into account).
Rates depend on the type of consultation, required knowledge (complexity of work), total amount of hours or work, urgency, responsibililty level.
Disclaimer: business astrology is a very complex field, not as well researched yet as natal astrology. Keep in mind that astrologer is not a god and might make a mistake. Business depends usually on many people so lots of factors are influencing its success. However what we can do is to see how much your natal chart, locational and timing influences “fit” the current business and format of work. Perhaps with some metigations it is possible to minimize the stress factors and increase success of your business.
An average cost of consultation is USD varies greatly depending on different factors.
You can choose to pay per hour. Currently I charge USD$35 per hour for preparation and USD $195/h for the online consultation time for business questions.
A limited amount of research sessions are available on a special conditions in combination with life coaching and counseling – e.g. I am offering my services for a reduced fee or on a complimentary basis in exchange of a % fee from the profit of your business, that is I become in a way an investor in your business through the collaboration (contact to inquire). Only businesses which already have a positive net worth and profit are eligible for this offer.
If what you are looking for is not within my experience I might refer you to a colleague.
See “How it works” paragraph for booking a consultation.
Q8: How do I take part in your astrological research?
Thank you for asking! I am conducting research on a few subjects:
1) locational astrology
2) sleep patterns
3) dance research
4) synastry (compatibility in relationships)
5) horary astrology
6) astrology of the moment
If you would like to contribute to any of the studies, you can get 25-35% discount (depending on the type of consultation/ session).
Feel free to contact in which one you would like to take part in and I will give you information on the conditions and availability.